Social Media - Not the Place to Post Your Content in 2019

If you want to make a content splash in 2019 - you want to use an eyedropper for your social media posts.

Join us on January 16th, 2019 at 11:00am Eastern Time, when Dan Stevens, President of WorkerBee.TV leads you through how social platforms like YouTube and Facebook have evolved from once trusted partners into dangerous competitors.

Social Platforms

Consider these points:

  • YouTube and Facebook AI will get to know your member better than you.
  • AI’s objective is to keep your members on YouTube's and Facebook's platform and brand – not yours!
  • You limit your chance to monetize your content as the social media platforms gets most of the engagement and retention. 

If you thought social media was a great way to spread your association's content, this  CAE approved web icon eligible webinar will change your thinking... and your approach to using social media.

Click here or on the button below to reserve your seat!

Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

John Heppenstall is Director of Marketing for WorkerBee.TV

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