Using Your Content Calendar as Part of Your Association's Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is a big part of keeping your association relevant and growing. All departments of your association need to work together in the planning process to achieve the big goals that you set out. Your content calendar should be a big part of the strategic planning process...

All your departments have a key role to play in the success of your association. Membership, Events, Sponsorship, Education and Marketing need to be in sync in order to create the traction for real planning success. 

Ultimately, the health of your association boils down to the value that you provide to your members. If the value is there, then members will continue to be members AND they will encourage others in their space to become members as well.  The content that each department develops and deploys for member consumption is key to driving that value. Statistics tell us that most of your members are consuming the content that you provide from a mobile device. Statistics also suggest that 84% of mobile internet traffic will be in the form of video next year.

Why Video?

90% of the data that your brain processes is visual, while almost 70% of your members prefer visual learning over any other form. Think of the 3500 messages that your members are bombarded with everyday. Are your members more likely to stop to watch a video or to read an article?  I think you know the answer. 

In your strategic planning process, once your big association goals are decided on, your content calendar should be filled out with input from all your departments based on the big goals coupled with the secondary goals of each department. Once the content elements are agreed to, the medium that the content is built in should be structured to effectively engage your members. The best medium to deliver that engagement is video.

Colour Palette for Association TV

Understanding that great video is complex and costly, a part of your strategic planning needs to focus on how this content can be funded. Many of the videos that you will produce can and should be funded through sponsorship. As a matter of fact, the funding that sponsorship can provide for some of the videos can fund your entire video programming for the year.

Association TV® has helped hundreds of associations with the planning process, content calendar, video production, deployment and measurement. Why not click on the button below and get a demonstration on how the process works?

Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

Dan Stevens is President of WorkerBee.TV


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