Conference Recaps: Maintaining Balance Between Editorial and Sponsored Content 

Most associations wouldn't think twice about offering its associate advertisers space in a magazine or directory. However, these same organizations struggle to visualize how video could be sold in the same way. In this blog, we discuss how MHI used it's conferences to create advertising revenue using video.

Creating a conference recap is a natural solution to this problem. Much like a magazine which contains both editorial and sponsored content, a conference recap can offer sponsors the opportunity to highlight their products and services in an engaging medium, without turning the whole endeavour into a commercial.

So how can your organization walk the line between promotional and educational and produce a recap that is valuable to both your members and sponsors?

Here's three tips to follow:

1. Film sponsors at their booth
The fact that exhibitors pay for their booth space doesn't make attendees enjoy the exhibit hall any less. Give your sponsors a chance to show off their products and get excited, and your audience will feel like they're right on the show floor.

2. Don't oversell
We've all opened a magazine at one point and thrown it down in disappointment after discovering it was 90% ads. Watching a recap that's oversold with sponsored content creates that same feeling.  A good rule of thumb to maintain balance is limiting sponsors to 1/3 of the total video content.

3. Ask your sponsors to add value
Many exhibitors are leading experts in their field and can add educational value to your recap beyond displaying their products and services. Ask your sponsors how their offerings tie into broader industry trends or this year's conference themes. Chances are, your audience will be more than happy to hear from them.

Follow these tips, and you'll produce a piece that sponsors will compete for space in year after year.

The Material Handling Industry (MHI) has been using conference recaps for several years, and it's experienced great success. Watch the video below to find out how they got started and what the results were.

MHI PASS Video.png

Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

Breanna Perrelli is a Producer for WorkerBee.TV

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