Advocate & Communicate with Video - an example

Video has many impactful uses. Here at Association TV we often talk about increasing member engagement through educational content and achieving association objectives such as, increasing event attendance. These are valuable goals that shouldn’t be ignored but, video is also a powerful tool that can be used to persuade, advocate and greatly affect industries.

When messages are complex, emotional or sensitive, stories, real experiences or examples can help to illustrate your meaning. Often audience needs to see it, or even feel it, to believe it. Video has the unique capability to visually communicate more, clearer and in a shorter amount of time.

Association Now (ASAE) recently shared an article highlighting the “We Are Cruise” campaign from Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). CLIA, (one of our valued clients) is embracing video to share meaningful stories about the global communities that they are part of and tackle complex industry perceptions.

“The campaign includes videos of employees talking about what they do in a bid to personalize the industry, which some perceive as impersonal and corporate… The personal stories CLIA cultivated for the campaign are aimed at reminding customers that a cruise is about both the destination and the journey.”

Read the full article on Association Now: HERE
Or, watch the videos: HERE 


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