What would I do with 5000 Member Prospects?

We were fortunate to be in a position to discuss an association getting started with Video while at the MMCC conference in DC last week. 

Like most associations today, their membership is flat, and they are finding challenges with providing meaningful content to their membership.  About 20 to 30% of the members travel to their conferences which are sometimes held overseas.

They have a database of 5000 permission based emails that are not part of their 1000 person membership.   

How many of those emails could be potential members?

A couple of strategies could be adopted using the Association TV® platform that would not only engage attending members to conferences but could also re-energize their member recruitment.


Why not  live - stream the conference sessions.  You could charge non-attending members a small fee to virtually attend. This would help with member engagement and share important association content with members outside the conference.  

Here's the Best Part.  

Offer the database of 5000 emails an opportunity to take part in the live-stream via pay per view at a price point higher than the member price. Or give them the option to become a member at the same time for a fee  that is over the member price, but below the non-member Pay-Per-View price. 

Wonder if this would convert some of those emails into members...

This is just another example of how you can use video strategically in your association using Association TV®

Association TV® is part of WorkerBee.TV

John Heppenstall is Director of Marketing at WorkerBee.TV

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