Members Need to Know Your Value

The success of your association is based on your members finding value in belonging. Are you doing all you can to ensure that the value you deliver is front and center for members to see?

We all know what a great feeling it is when we sign up a new member. All the hard work of advertising, networking, and promoting is worth it when a new member signs on. We send them information on their membership and give them the royal glove treatment. We touch base with them regularly for the first few months to make sure that they know all the benefits of our association.

Then, the party is over.

We assume that they "get it" and will continue to share their credit card number with us every year. We assume that what we do and how we deliver it to them is going to be good enough to keep them in the membership fold year after year. 

Party is over

Your members will stay with you because of the content that you deliver to them. Although it may be great, generally speaking, the packaging of member content falls well short of the bells and whistles of the recruitment content that brought them in. In addition, most associations overlook reinforcing the association value proposition once members are locked in. 

Your members are bombarded with over 3500 messages per day. Don't think for a minute that just because they are a member that they are not being wooed by competing organizations promising similar or better value. Maybe that organization is promising better value, but the cost of membership is free.

It's time to start thinking of your current members in the same light as your new members. Reviewing your value statement and then reinforcing your value statement with membership is a must. Once you can clearly articulate your value, share your value statement with each piece of member content. When it comes to content, make it exciting, entertaining, and above all, make sure that it has incredible value that they can't get anywhere else. Let them know that you care, and that you value them as a member of your association.

We enjoy sharing how Association TV® is helping associations create meaningful content for their members. Click on the button below to set up a complimentary consultation on how we can help you to retain and re-engage your membership.

Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

Dan Stevens is president of WorkerBee.TV and is a sought after guest speaker on association trends. 



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