Stats for Smartphone Engagement During Live-Stream Don't Lie

We had a webinar last week titled: Hybridized Events-Delight Virtual and Attending Members Through Live-Streaming and Smartphone participation hosted with John Pytel of Conference i/o. Our engagement stats for the webinar went from an average of 62% to over 90% for this webinar thanks to smartphone engagement.  

Would you like an extra 30% engagement for your events?

It's amazing what happens when you give attendees a reason to look at their smartphones during an event. The Conference i/o application using polling and questions that goes directly to your smartphone increases engagement for your in-person attendees as well as virtual attendees.  What's also interesting is that this allows for virtual members to interact with in-person members.  As part of our webinar, we used the tool for the first time and proof that this concept increases engagement is clear. 


The combination of leveraging Association TV® to help you build out live-streaming events, combined with engagement tools such as conference i/o can absolutely engage the 85% of your members that do not attend conferences.  Association TV® can also make your live-stream attractive for sponsorship especially if you create an on-demand scenario to replay the event again and again in the months that follow after.  This creates a great sponsorship opportunity by extending your conference virtually for an entire year.

Let's book a personal demo for you on the benefits and best practices of live-streaming.  Based on the engagement from our webinar, we will guarantee it will be worth your while.

Click on the button below to book your demo.

Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

Dan Stevens is president of WorkerBee.TV and is a sought after guest speaker on association trends.  Book Dan for your next event by contacting John Heppenstall, Director of Marketing at john.heppenstall@WorkerBee.TV


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