AI is Changing the Ad Game.  Will Your Association Prosper?

Predictions are coming fast and furious about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to the change the advertising game. How will this effect your association, sponsorship, and most of all your membership?

There will soon come a day when digital and traditional advertising may become obsolete. Many are predicting that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon make buying and content decisions for us based on our past history and preferences.  Simply put, there will not be a need for advertising to influence us as AI will decide what products we buy and what content we are fed, based on current and past preferences coupled with continuous learning.


This bold prediction will have an effect on your association's partnerships and membership. Digital and traditional advertising will no longer be a vehicle to rely on to get in front of members and potential members. Instead, content development and deployment will become the new currency of attraction. Content will need to be laser focused and appeal to your member's AI as a valuable contribution to their being. Those associations that have a strategy to focus on great content that is deployed in multiple channels will give reason for AI to serve up that content to your members.

The good news is that your sponsors are also aware that the ad game may soon be coming to an end. They are looking for partners that can help them develop and deploy content that they can serve up to multiple audiences and be recognized by AI.  You are in the perfect position to develop partner content and become a true asset to your sponsors.

This will be the new frontier of attraction as advertising as we know it begins to fade. If you don't think that  this can happen, we simply need to look back 20 years to see how the yellow pages went from a must have to an annoying door stop.

If you would like to learn more about how your association can become a content leader, click on the button below to schedule a discussion on how we can help.


Association TV® is a division of WorkerBee.TV

John Heppenstall is Director of Marketing for WorkerBee.TV

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