You Should Be Saving 20% to 120% On Your Videos

When most people hear about savings of 50% or more, they think it's either Black Friday or a loss leader.  By following the process laid out by Association TV®, these savings and higher are in reach for your video budget.

 In an era where most everything is getting more expensive, your video budget could be cut by as much as 100% if you follow a process that is guaranteed to save (or even make) you money.  Association TV® has developed a methodology that starts before you even become a client.  Our account managers review all videos that they can find about you and understand your upcoming conferences and other events that may have video or multi-media opportunity.  We seek to understand your members and the value that they could enjoy through education and information in the form of video.


Once we have done our preliminary homework, we engage with you to give us a deeper layer of understanding of your association and what specific challenges that you are facing.  We assist you to work through our PlayBook that creates data for us to understand and share with you about topic and revenue opportunities from potential video content.  Most important, the PlayBook helps you to create a content calendar for the entire year. 

The key to saving money with your video production is to understand your content needs for the next year, and then to plan for efficiencies that will eliminate one-off productions.  As an example, your conference is the perfect place for us to tackle the majority of your needs as you will have brought in speakers and vendors that can be interviewed for relevant video topics. In addition, it's important to note that Association TV® can film in any major city in the world without sending a team from our offices.

Many of our clients have enjoyed significant revenue generation from their video production at Association TV®.  Your sponsors are looking for new ways to engage your members as well as to create measurable outcomes from their investments.  Video is the perfect medium.  We have a great deal of experience in revenue generation from multi-media and can share with you what other associations have done to  create non-dues revenue that can actually cover the costs of your videos or become a profit center for you.

To learn more about how to create Black Friday value on your video budget, click on the button below

Association TV® is a division of WokerBee.TV

John Heppenstall is Director of Marketing for WorkerBee.TV

John can be reached at: john.heppenstall@WorkerBee.TV




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